Thursday, May 29, 2008

A memorable Memorial Day

Every Memorial Day we have a Linebaugh family breakfast with all Linebaughs invited. All of my Grandpa's brothers and sisters and their families are invited. Usually around 90-100 people will come. We always have it at my Grandma and Grandpa's house (except while they were on their mission and it was at Kinkades). This year it poured rain the night before and the morning of, so we added hot chocolate to the menu and ate in the garage and kitchen (as opposed to outside). It was still just as well attended.

A little while ago, Janet made some charms that had a picture of her Grandma on one side and my grandpa and his brother and sister on the other side. After most people had eaten she gave one to Jean and Jane (my grandpa's sisters). It was a touching experience. They were so excited and, naturally, it brought my Grandpa to tears.

Later on in the day we had a graduation party for Parker and Brady. The rain cleared up for a little bit so we were able to play volleyball and basketball for a little while. As we were leaving Carl and Kathy's house, there was a gorgeous full rainbow. It was a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Breezy said...

every time I hear about anything you do with you family i always think, "what a cool family!" and i bet that charm is absolutely gorgeous! how fun!