Sunday, December 2, 2007
Frothy Delight
Hand-Me-Down Christmas
Decorations are essential for holidays, no matter if they are expensive, matching, cheap, hand-me-downs, homemade, or dollar store. As a college student one might imagine the resources are limited and that a well decorated apartment is not feasible. Not so! With leftover lights, holly, and ribbon from my house; a tree generously donated by the Diethers; garlands, stockings, dishtowels,
martini glasses, and more from the dollar store; and then decorative mugs, a table runner, and ornaments from the dollar bins at Target; and of course our own intricate homemade snowflakes, a Christmas Tree scented candle with a candle warmer, complete with joyous Christmas music playing; we were successful in creating a winter wonderland and brought the Christmas spirit into our quaint little apartment. The decorating was completed on the first day of December. What day could be better?
The feeling of Christmas was enhanced by the gently falling snow. The first snow, December 1. Perfect. This day was full of shopping, laughing, freezing, laughing, fun, singing, cleaning, decorating, and just spending time with friends. It was relaxing and enjoyable, easy and yet productive. It's amazing what a little snow and a spark of Christmas will do.