Thursday, April 17, 2008

Finals Week!

I just took my first final for Winter 2008 today. After several hours of studying and working on a study guide, and an hour in a review session, I felt adequately prepared. As I took the test, I was pleased that I was able to answer nearly all of the questions with great ease. We'll have to wait and see how I actually did, but it is a great feeling to come out of a final knowing that I did pretty well. Let's hope I can do that will all my finals! Only 4 more to go!

So the last few weeks the weather can't really make up it's mind. Yesterday it was snowing and cold, today I am fine without a jacket! It has been cold the last few days which makes it difficult to get a good break from studying. We can't go outside and play Frisbee, volleyball, football, or just relax in the sun. But, it seems to be warming up again, so today I will probably play catch or Frisbee and tomorrow I am going on a bike ride. The thing that is really throwing me off is the lack of spring flowers and colors. Hopefully those will come when it keeps being warm. If not, at least we will get to enjoy summer soon! Only 3 more days of finals and I will be done with school until August, unless I decide to do classes during summer term... Hmmm... we'll see about that.

Oh! While we are talking about school... I have pretty much decided that I am going to UVSC, or UVU, and I will be studying Photography there. I still need to get a few things worked out, like transferring my credits and talking to a counselor at UVU to figure out what class I need to take and when, but I made a decision and it feels pretty good! I will probably be taking all art classes which will be great! I'm very excited about it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I believe it is wise to find joy in the little things in life...

"The details make life holy. If you want a little happiness in life don’t forget to look at the little things. It is a poet’s work to see the incidental, pluck it, place an appropriate silence around both sides and see the profound in what passes for a passing moment. It is an artist’s job to as much discover art as create it. Prayer is a way of making the common profound by pausing, tying knots around a moment, turning our life into a string of pearls."
~ Noah Ben Shea

Some of the little things and details I enjoy:

  • The smell of rain
  • Going on a walk
  • Nice notes
  • Not being on the phone at work :)
  • Spring skiing
  • A delicious, filling meal
  • Homemade ice cream, really just ice cream in general
  • Striking color combinations
  • Green grass
  • New flowers
  • Blue skies
  • Dinner Group
  • Thunderstorms
  • A good conversation with a friend or family
  • Having a clean room
  • Getting a letter from a friend
  • Fall colors
  • The smell of Pine Sol, after cleaning
  • Random surprises from people