I can't remember the last time we actually had a white Christmas, so this year was great! We had a wondeful snowy Christmas Eve and woke up to about 5-6 inches of fresh snow Christmas morning. It was very fun and relaxing to spend the day with family. We opened gifts in the morning (around 6:30 per Connor's request... I wouldn't have minded a little more sleep...) and then went to Grandma and Grandpa Linebaugh's house for lunch and the cousin gift exchange at 11:00.
This was the first time we have done Christmas at their house in two years. They were very excited to have all of us there. It was awesome to see how excited all the kids were about their presents. Jack was hilarious when I asked him what he got. "A Dinosaur!" "Is it big?" "Yeaaaaaaaaah!" "Does it make noise?" Yeaaaaaaah!" His face lit up when he told me all about it.
I love Christmas! Everyone is so happy!
(in case you were wondering... this picture wasn't actually taken on Christmas, but rather on the Saturday before when our family went skiing!)