Thursday, January 10, 2008

School is in session...

I am so excited! I just started Winter Semester at BYU. I love all of my classes, well, except physical science... but who would love that? Classes I am taking include:

* German 102 - Ich liebe Deutsch!

* Humanities 202 - Ahhhhh... Culture...

* Physical Science - gotta love those GE's

* Doctrine and Covenants 325 - starting with section 76, I love BYU! Religion classes are great!

* Beginning Snowboarding - Breezy and I had never been on a snowboard before and we are already level 2!

So, yes, I am only taking 12.5 credit hours, but I am also working 20-25 hrs a week and pretending like I have a social life, so I guess I stay pretty busy. I really am excited about my classes though! Life is so good! So to explain the photo... I feel like every post needs a photo and I didn't have any photos of my classes.

So, I have this photo that I took over the break (on accident) that turned out pretty cool (yes... Dev those are your shoes...). I thought since I didn't have a better place to put it I would use it for this! I guess it does actually fit because I am taking snowboarding, but then again that's not what this post is all about. Oh well! That is the beauty of this blog... it doesn't matter! Well, I'm off to Humanities so this is the end!


Breezy said...

CASS!! lets take pictures when we go snowboarding today so i can blogg about it and how cool we are!!!

Devin said...

when I saw the photo, I was like, "Hey, those look like my boots!" Who stole em? Little did I know my cold little toes were inside em!