Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jewel Kade - Chains & Charms

My latest adventure is helping my Aunt Janet with a business she started, Jewel Kade. I found out about it last semester and was lucky enough to get my very own Jewel Kade for my birthday. Over the Christmas break I wanted to learn more about it, and that I did. On Christmas day my family went over to visit the Kinkades and that is when it all started. Almost the whole time we were there I talked to Janet about her business and she told me what she would really like to do, what she needed help with, etc.

On Friday January 4, 2007 (I realize the date is somewhat irrelevant, but now you know when it was...) I went back over and spent most of the day working on and thinking about jewelry. It was so much fun! I took photos of the charms and we talked about what I was going to do to help and so on. Well, I made up some mailers that she is going to use when people do open houses and some that will have her shop hours and contact information. I get excited every time I think about what I get to do! I thought I would show you some of the work I have done so far and, if you know anyone who would like to make a purchase... let me know!


Breezy said...

CASSIDY!!! you are so talented!! those look so ridiculously AMAZING!!! i seriously just want to fast forward time..just a see what you will do when you start your OWN photography business....its gonna be so AMAZING!!!!
you seriously have so much talent.

heidi said...

Those pictures were fabulous! I am amazed at how much talent you have inside of you just waiting to come out and stun the world!