Friday, April 3, 2009

Megorokiteni - To Make It Last Forever

This is a sneak preview of a project I am working on for my alternative photography class. The assignment is "Megorokiteni" which is the Russian word for photograph. The literal translation is "to make last forever." So, for my project I am learning more about my Grandpa Northrup and photographing things that represent them. The end result will be a book containing photographs and words people have written about my grandpa. So, this is just a few of the images I have taken so far.

The process I am using to print these is called Van Dyke Brown. I'll create digital negatives of each image and then do a contact print onto Bristol paper coated with a sensitizer. The images are then exposed to UV light, rinsed with water and fixed. The result is an antique brown colored image. I think it will help enhance the idea of these images being memories.


NikonSniper said...

your photos are beautiful.

NikonSniper said...

cass ... i look for people who pop up with the first or second listing of their interests is photography. these are usuallu people who are creative and help me get past some photography hurdles or give me new ideas. it probably sounds stupid but a can of nuts tipped on to a table? great idea and many others.

heidi said...

You speak RUSSIAN!?!?!?? I need to learn from you!!! I knew were were talented and amazing but RUSSIAN exceeds my wildest dreams!!

Cass, this is such a neat project!