Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Typeface Poster

So... I am currently working on this project for my typography class. The assignment is to make a poster highlighting a typeface of our choice. We are supposed to emphasize the important parts of the typeface and also have some sort of concept behind the design. Franklin Gothic was designed for newspapers because it is very easy to read in condensed forms. So, I decided to fashion my poster after a newspaper. It is supposed to have color and something that stands out from 50ft, 5ft and 5in. It's been interesting trying to add color to it because newspapers are mostly black and white and the color is mostly in images, however, early newspapers used quite a bit of red so I'm trying to incorporate that. You can click on the image to view it larger if you would like.

1 comment:

Breezy said...

wow cass that is super cool....everything you do is so different! very creative!