Thursday, April 10, 2008

The long awaited letter...

My letter finally came, although with different words than I was expecting. Yep, I did not get accepted to the Visual Arts program at BYU. Sad, but life goes on. I have so many different options it is ridiculous! Who knows what I will end up doing! While I am sad, I can honestly say that it will be a good thing. Although, those of you who know how well I make decisions may be wondering how I am ever going to decide on something! But, never fear, I will. Thanks to my mom and Helen Keller for this amazing quote. Let's just say right now I am excited at the open doors that are coming my way!


Breezy said...

cass=my hero. you go get 'em cass! i'm excited to hear what you choose!

somebody must have been drunk...drugs...asleep...its the only explaination.

Natalie said...

Wow, Cass! That was really inspiring. And usually when I say something like that, I'm being sarcastic. But this time I'm being serious.

You're great! I can't wait to see what's in store.

heidi said...

I think that quote just changed my life. Wow. Thanks.
The doors are swinging open!
I love ya!