Friday, February 8, 2008

What a day!

Well, I am sitting here at work just waiting to leave and go to work again. I don't really have much to do, so I thought I would make a new post. Today is a crazy day. I went to school from 9-11 and then went to Taco Amigo from 12-2:30 and right now I am here at Convergys (from 2:30-5:45) and in a few minutes I am headed to Taco again from 6:00 until about 8:00 or 9:00 and then back to Convergys from 9:00 - 12:00 or so... Yep. It is a great day filled with work. Shouldn't I be on a date on a Friday night? Nope. Apparently not. But, some great news is I just got a huge tax return and I also got a $100 gift card from my work. I figure my roommates and I will go to dinner at a restaurant of our choice. We always talk about going somewhere expensive, and now we get to. Yay! I am so excited!

I always like to have a photo with my posts, so this is one I found in my emails (since I don't have any photos at work). It is one of my many done-in-a-mirror self portraits.


heidi said...

Cass! Don't work too hard! I'm glad you still find the silver lining! Have fun with your extra cash!

Breezy said...

you=the best roommate ever-melting pot!!!. total.