Tuesday, February 19, 2008

99¢ Delight: an Afternoon of Urban Art

We bought some chalk so that Sharolee and Natalie could ask some guys to our ward dance. It turned into quite an adventure. Who knew that 99¢ and a little bit of artistic genius could create such a delightful distraction from the dullness of studying. We spent a good two hours creating works of art on sidewalks and around our door. I have this new love for urban photography. So, as we created these colorful works of art I decided to try and take some creative photos and this is what I came up with…


Breezy said...

dude cass. you are so so cool

heidi said...

Your photos are amazing. so totally artsy fartsy. not fartsy like breezy's humanities farts. just artsy fartsy.

Devin said...

I think I need to do some chalk art! That looks funner than melting leaves with a magnifying glass! Cool effect on Natalie's photo. I think that's really cool looking, hence why I said "Cool effect"!